April 3, 2022

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This post it isn’t about describing in depth The Classiest and greatest MDCI Perfumes but a rather short one.

That is why you won’t see all the fragrances that we have in our collection but only a few.

Llisten to our Podcast and you will know few things about the rich history of this iconic bespoke French house.

One of the best MDCI Perfumes is Chypre Palatin

For the fragrances and their reviews, we will absolutely come with more posts to share with you, because each one of them needs a spotlight separately.

If you have been following us through this journey, then you probably know that the French house of Parfums MDCI is one of our favourite brands that we have had the pleasure to come across. A brand that to our taste, it has everything we love from a fragrance and in a wide range. But if you didn’t know that from us, now you do.

Just to mention a couple of reasons: For example, with Maruša,Peche Cardinal done by Jeanne-Marie Faugier, is a perfume that became one of her favourite from the whole collection upon first spray.

With its gorgeous fruity and floral aspects. A classic feminine perfume and one that every woman should at least try, because once you do, It will be. hard not to fall for this creation.

To me, MDCI Perfumes has introduced me to Chypre Palatin, one of the most beautiful fragrances that exist in this world (Yes, i am bias on this one). One that was done by master perfumer Bertrand Duchaufour and a perfume that it’s origins may surprise you when you hear the story behind it.

But besides that first bias commentary about Chypre Palatin, we still wanted to learn more about the brand. Things such as how the bottle design. came to be the way it is, the beginnings of the brand, the selection process to choose the right person for the job, the choice of names of each scent, the story behind the actual acronym “MDCI” which you probably know…but the real question is “How much do you know about it?”, because there is a whole lot behind it and we really really needed to know so we could share that with you and lucky us, we learned that and much more, a lot lot more.


We were very fortunate to have Mr Claude Marchal, the creator and owner of MDCI Perfumes as a remote guest to our Daniel and Marusa’s Podcast to ask all of those questions and more. We spent a whole morning chatting and laughing and learning all about his perfume house and many other anecdotes. That is why we encourage you to go and grab a drink, relax and listen to our conversation in our Podcast, you will love it.

Check our Podcast episode with our special guest Claude Marchal:

MDCI Perfumes and Peche Cardinal. Amazing stuff

As per usual, we have to disclose that we are NOT paid to write or produce this type of content, we do it only because we can and because we love doing it.

Our ultimate goal is to share with you what we know regarding fragrances, and if you need any advice from us, please do not hesitate to ask and we will be more happy to help you out with our humble knowledge, just as we are incredibly excited to do this post, and if it comes to this house, We will have a trouble to guide you, the. same as you will have a trouble choosing from their perfumes, because they are all amazing.

L’Homme Aux Gants, done by master perfumer Nathalie Feisthauer
The first creation from the brand, done with pure French expertise be legendary perfumer Pierre Bourdon

Comments +

  1. Scentifolia says:

    I am French but I have never tried anything from MDCI yet. I have heard of it before, seen these amazing bottles… and I imagined the man behind was inaccessible. So thank you Daniel and Marusa for this lively episode, Claude Marchal is so spontaneous, laid-back and funny ! He seems to believe he has been lucky all the way but I think he must be truly instinctive and have some kind of talent to create his own perfume house with the right people at the right time 🙂 I had the feeling I was sitting around the table with you all so thanks for that !

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